
Social Impact Study Report

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Social Impact Study Report
Title Date View / Download
Social Impact Study Report : Land Acquisition in Payam Village 04/08/2018 View (2 MB)
Social Impact Study Report : Development of Vallavupara Road – Final Report 03/08/2018 View (2 MB)
Social Impact Study Report : Koduvalli Railway overbridge – Final Report 29/06/2018 View (6 MB)
Social Impact Study Report : Koduvalli Railway bridge – Land Acquisition 30/05/2018 View (869 KB)
Social Impact Study Report : (Air Cargo hub) Airport Kannur 17/03/2018 View (174 KB)
Social Impact study report – Category 1 Lighting – Airport Kannur 05/03/2018 View (8 MB)
Social Impact study report – Rahabilitation of families (3.2375 Hect.) – Airport Kannur 05/03/2018 View (7 MB)
Social Impact study report – Rahabilitation of families (4.8763) – Airport Kannur 05/03/2018 View (9 MB)