
District Fisheries Office

Services under the District Fisheries Office

  1. Educational concessions for children of Fishermen

Educational Concession – Pre-metric 

Govt./Aided School

Required documents:

  1. Fisheries Certificate
  2. Application in Form No-1

Un Aided School

Required documents:

  1. Fishermen Certificate
  2. Application in Form No-1
  3. Recommendation of AEO/DEO
  4. Copy of Bank Account Pass book

Educational Concession – Post Metric

Govt./Aided Institution

Required documents:

  1. Fisherman Certificate
  2. Copy of Certificate of Completed Courses
  3. Copy of Bank Account passbook
  4. Copy of Aadhar Card
  5. Copy of Allotment memo

Application should be submitted through along with documents.

Educational Concession of Self Finance Institutions Named in Fisheries E-grant list

Required Documents:

  1. Fisherman Certificate
  2. Copy of Certificate of completed courses
  3. Copy of Bank Account pass book
  4. Copy of Aadhar Card
  5. Copy of Allotment memo
  6. Certificate from the Head of Institution indicating that admission was made on merit basis
  7. Fees Statement

Educational Concessions in parallel College

 Required Documents:

  1. Copy of Application through Single window
  2. Certificate from Higher Secondary Department or University stating that you will study in the college as you have applied through the single window but will not yet admission to the recognized institution
  3. Copy of Bank Account Pass book
  4. Copy of receipt for payment of fees at Universities
  5. Copy of Receipt for fee at parallel college
  6. Application in Form No-4


Name the responsible officer                          : RAMESH K B

Title                                                                 : Deputy Director of Fisheries, Kannur

Phone No.                                                      : 9496007033

E-mail Address                                             :                     

First Appellate Authority                            : Joint Director of Fisheries (North Zone),


   Phone No. 0495  2380005

Second Appellate Authority                       :  Director of Fisheries,


    Phone No. 0471  2305042

Application should be completed within 10 days of Receipt of Applicant.


Children of fishermen eligible for educational benefit from SC/ST department are not eligible for educational benefit from Fisheries department

(2)  SCRS

Required Documents:

  1. Copy of ration Card
  2. Copy of Aadhar Card
  3. Copy of Bank Account Pass book
  4. Copy of Welfare Fund Pass book

             (The page also included Fees for the year)

  1. Application for SCRS Application Form

The amount of money collected from fishermen in Six months is refunded in triplicate      It is given in three installment. As per availability of funds, the first installment will be disbursed on 30th April and the second installment will be on 31st May and the third installment will be disbursed on 3rd June. It is distributed in the Inland Region by June 30th and July 31st and August 31st

Name the responsible officer                          : M. Sreekantan

Title                                                                 : Deputy Director of Fisheries, Kannur

Phone No.                                                       : 9496007033

E-mail Address                                              :                     

First Appellate Authority                             : Joint Director of Fisheries (North Zone),

                                                                              Kozhikode,  Phone No. 0495  2380005

Second Appellate Authority                        :  Director of Fisheries,


                                                                               Phone No. 0471  2305042

License for Inland Fishing Net

Required Documents:

  1. Application for form No FL-1
  2. Receipt of license fee

Licensees who are registered for stake net registration must take action within 10 days from receipt of the clemency application.

Transfer of stake net to heirs

Required Documents

  1. Application of Form No. RF-1
  2. Registered Agreement (Trough the Registrar’s office)
  3. Legal heir ship Certificate
  4. Residence Certificate (Certificate of permanent in the said premises for a period of three years)
  5. Death Certificate of the licensee
  6. Certificate showing that the applicant is a fishermen
  7. Certificate that the applicant has no other stake net (Self certified)

Applications for stake net transfer will be submitted to Gazette Notification after enquiry by the concerned officer. Procedure for issuing licenses within 30 days after publication of the Gazette Notification there are no complaints

Name the responsible officer                           : RAMESH K B

Title                                                                       : Deputy Director of Fisheries, Kannur

Phone No.                                                             : 9496007033

E-mail Address                                                    :                     

First Appellate Authority                                  : Joint Director of Fisheries (North Zone),

                                                                                   Kozhikode,  Phone No. 0495  2380005

Second Appellate Authority                              :  Director of Fisheries,


    Phone No. 0471  2305042

License Fee                                                           :   525/-

Application Form Fee                                        :   15/-

Registration of Fishing Vessels

Required Documents

  1. Application Form in prescribed format
  2. Bill of vessel purchased
  3. Photo of the Applicant
  4. Proof of Identity
  5. Proof of Address

Licensees who are registered for Fishing Vessels registration must take acionwith in 30 days from receipt of the clemency application.

Fee Details

From Rs. 100 to Rs. 50000

( According to length of Vessel)

Licensing of Fishing Vessels

Required Documents

  1. Application Form in prescribed format
  2. Verification Report

Fee Details:

From Rs. 200 to Rs. 4500

(According to length of Vessel)

Sea Rescue and Patrolling:

Name the responsible officer                                 : Smt. Shiny. C.K,

Title                                                                             : Assistant Director of Fisheries, Kannur

Phone No.                                                                   : 9497007039

E-mail Address                                                          :                   

First Appellate Authority                                         : Deputy Director of Fisheries, Kannur,

                                                                                       Mopla Bay Fisheries, Complex Kannur,

Phone No.                                                                     9496007033

Second Appellate Authority                                        : Joint Director of Fisheries (North Zone),

   Kozhikode,  Phone No. 0495  2380005